Becky Pizer, PsyD
Half-Time Institute Faculty
BA Women's Studies, Yale University, 1991
PsyD Clinical Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology, 1999
Dr. Pizer’s clinical background is primarily in community mental health with a focus on supporting underserved families. After working with young people and their families in school, inpatient, residential, and various outpatient settings, she served as the training director at Alameda Family Services from 2000 – 2007.
Since coming to the Wright Institute in 2007, Dr. Pizer has provided clinical services and consultation at community agencies such as Options Recovery Services, A Home Within, Family Builders, and Witness to Witness. She conducts ongoing consultation groups and annual training for clinical supervisors. Her clinical areas of interest include narrative therapy, foster and adoptive family support, racial justice, disability justice, and addiction.
As the Director of Field Placement at the Wright Institute (2007-2022), Dr. Pizer co-created BAPIC (Bay Area Practicum Information Collaborative) as well as the WI Mentoring Program and Internship Support Team. She then served as Clinical Director at Through the Looking Glass and continues there as a clinical supervisor.
Recent collaborative projects include "Teaching supervision experientially as a gesture of love" with Ellen Balis in bell hooks’ Engaged pedagogy for the 21st century classroom (Comeforo, K. & Matacin, M., 2023) and "Why should white people talk together about white supremacy?" with Helen Turner, Jill Freedman, and Gene Combs at the Taos Institute 2022 Gathering: Unfolding Dialogues.