Hanna Levenson to Create Book and DVD Series on Supervision
Hanna Levenson, PhD, core faculty member, has contracted with the American Psychological Association to create a 12 DVD and book series on supervision.
Hanna Levenson, PhD, an Institute Faculty member, has just signed a contract with APA to create a 12 DVD and book series on supervision that she has been planning for several years. Dr. Levenson and her colleague Dr. Arpana Inman from Lehigh University will interview 12 expert supervisors from various orientations for the series. In addition, each supervisor will conduct a demonstration supervision session with a student, including voiceovers. The supervision DVDs will be modeled after APA's Expert Therapist series and will be accompanied by a book on each topic. The first four videos to be filmed in 2014 explore supervision from dynamic relational, cognitive-behavioral, critical incidents, and competency perspectives.