The past three years have been very challenging for all, locally and globally. As the widespread uncertainty and impact of COVID-19 and the Omicron Variant continue to evolve, we want to let everyone know what we're doing to ensure the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff, and the communities we serve. COVID-19 vaccines and boosters are now widely available for the general public, and have been determined to be safe and effective by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), including against the Omicron Variant.
Vaccination Policy
The Wright Institute requires faculty, staff, students and visitors to be fully vaccinated to limit the transmission of COVID-19 in our community. COVID-19 vaccines are effective at both preventing the transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19 and preventing serious illness or death. Students, faculty, and staff must submit proof of vaccination via the Wright Institute Portal. Unvaccinated students and employees who have a medical or religious exemption may be required to obtain weekly or more frequent testing and provide proof of negative test results to the Wright Institute.
Please click here for vaccination sites.
Daily COVID-19 Screening
Students, faculty, staff, and visitors will be required to complete a health screening check-in for each day they plan to be on the site.
Mask Requirements
The Wright Institute will no longer require community members or visitors to wear face coverings when inside one of its facilities. However, the Wright Institute strongly supports individuals who decide to continue wearing masks in order to protect themselves and others from COVID-19 or any other airborne diseases.
Capacity limits at events will adhere to the most restrictive or prescriptive public health order provided by the CDC, City of Berkeley, or the state of California. Open houses will continue to be held virtually at the present time and until further notice. For all other events, advance registration and RSVP and documentation of vaccine status and other verification is required, which may include a self-attestation or checklist requirement. Upon arrival, attendees may be asked to complete a symptom checklist.
All visitors, including guest lecturers and presenters and vendors, must check in at the front desk. Visitors are not permitted to enter the building past the foyer unless cleared by a staff member, unless needed to do so in an emergency situation.
Clients and visitors at the Wright Institute clinics will be provided with specific protocol by the clinic personnel prior to a visit. Speak to the clinic directly for all additional information about visiting the clinic locations. At present, masks are required to be worn by students, faculty and clients in the clinic setting. Visitors, patients, students and employees will also be required to wear masks when in common spaces at the clinics and in the clinic offices.
We want to acknowledge the incredible amount of additional stress placed on students, faculty, and staff who are caring for children or others at home who require attention and/or home-schooling, and compete for your attention to work and school. The faculty and administration continue to discuss the unique needs of caregivers during this time, and to work with students, faculty, and staff to create individualized accommodations.
The Wright Institute has been supporting the practicum sites we work with as they transition back to in-person sessions. Each site has its own rules, and we encourage all students to reach out to the field placement team with any questions.
Application review and processing for our two programs continues on schedule, and deadlines remain unchanged; however we have moved all admissions events and interviews to Zoom until further notice.
Please let us know if there's anything we can do to provide information or support as you work on your application. Contact us at admissions@wi.edu
We'll get through this together.
Together, let's stay safe, healthy, and supportive of one another. Since 1968, the Wright Institute has been deeply committed to providing an intellectually stimulating community as well as a supportive and rewarding experience to all of its students, faculty, and staff members. With this background our graduates have gone on to successful careers making a difference in the lives of the individuals and communities they serve. COVID-19 has not halted this pursuit. During these challenging times, the Wright Institute is more certain than ever that such aims must be preserved so that when the COVID-19 outbreak subsides, our community will emerge stronger and better able to fulfill our mission of educating students to be critical thinkers and ethical problem solvers, to address community and societal needs, and to function effectively as professionals in a diverse society.