Student Affinity Groups

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Group

Susmitha Bhat
Susmitha Bhat,
The BIPOC affinity group is a peer led support group for students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. The BIPOC group is a space for support and processing for students to talk about their personal, academic, and professional experiences within the Wright community. Being in a MA Counseling program can bring up a lot of feelings about our identities, how we grew up, and challenges with how others might experience us.

I want to work collaboratively to create a space that feels safe, where we hold each other accountable, and where we can brainstorm ways to navigate systems that might not be designed for us. I hope that the space we create can flourish beyond our time at the Wright and am hoping to create structures that we all can lean on even after graduation.

We will be meeting the 1st Thursday of every month from 5:30pm-6:30pm. Our first meeting will be on Thursday November 2nd at 5:30pm.

Please check out the Wright Portal for the virtual meeting details. Please reach out to Susmitha Bhat (they/them) at for any questions or to set up office hours!

Black Student Group

Morgan Booker
Morgan Booker,
Zhanera Maloy
Zhanera Maloy,
Hello and Welcome to the Black Student Affinity Group! In the MA Program it can often feel like a journey for black students. Hearing statistics surrounding blackness and mental health, microaggressions, and trying to find yourself in this work can be overwhelming and intense. If building a community of black mental health practitioners at the Wright sounds interesting to you, then this should be right up your alley!

Come meet with us to meet other black students, build our community, and share experiences and knowledge. Come through in person on the balcony at the MA student campus.

For more information, please feel free to reach out Morgan Booker at and Zhanera Maloy at Hope to see you there!

Capacity Collective

Gray Dye
Gray Dye,
Archana Vellasure
Archana Vellasure,
Disabilities--visible, invisible, and self-assessed--bring complexities to our academic and professional paths, often heightening feelings of isolation in a world that's slow to embrace the full spectrum of disability experiences. Our goal is to create a dedicated space that fosters a vibrant, accepting, and supportive community for disabled MFT/PCC students at the Wright.

We're committed to cultivating a close-knit community, united by shared professional values and aspirations, to enhance the understanding of resilience and diversity within our therapy field through the lenses of our student, personal, and professional lives. We'll begin with a focus on mutual emotional support through the trials and triumphs of our academic journey. We invite you to join us in building a space where we can begin tackling challenges and societal barriers to disability together.

In this community, your narrative, challenges, and strengths find a welcoming audience eager to listen, learn, and uplift. Engaging with this collective not only enriches our group but also plays a crucial role in shaping a more inclusive, empathetic, and empowered MFT/PCC environment.

The Capacity Collective will have its first meeting of 2024 on Monday, March 4th, at 5:00 p.m. via Google Meet. We plan to continue meeting virtually on the first Monday of every month. Please check out the Wright Portal Calendar for the virtual meeting details.

For more information, please email Gray at or Archana at Hope to see you there!

Multicultural and Mixed Race Group

Jess Foster
Jess Foster,
Aiden Munoz-Christian
The Multicultural and Mixed Race Affinity Group hopes to provide a space for safe sharing, discussion and learning for people holding an aspect of these identities in some capacity. The experience of holding more than one cultural identity, race or ethnicity is complex and can greatly impact how one moves through the world related to feelings of internal and external validation, and although it contains richness, it also has its challenges. This group is intended as a social space for making connections with peers, and will also be a place to process questions and feelings raised by the coursework.

We plan to meet at least once monthly. Please email or for more information about where and when this meeting will take place.

Pride/LGBTQIA2S+ Group

Joanna Illing
Joanna Illing,
Ada Musafir
Ada Musafir,
Pride is a co-created community for students who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two Spirit, and + (LGBTQIA2S+). It is also a space for students who are questioning their gender, romantic orientation, or sexual orientation. The purpose of this group is to facilitate connection, community, peer support, and advocacy. We provide a brave space for one another to process our experiences in class, practicum/internship, and our personal lives in regards to being part of the community. Through open and respectful cross-cultural dialogue, our hope is to enable conversations around issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE) and, in so doing, raise awareness and promote activism within the concentric circles of our group, our institution, our field, and beyond. We welcome everyone across all cohorts, within the LGBTQIA2S+ umbrella, to join us.

The Pride/LGBTQIA2S+ group will have its first meeting of 2024 on Tuesday, February 13th at 7:30pm via Zoom. Our goal is to have one virtual meeting and one in-person meeting per month to maximize accessibility. Please reach out to Joanna (she/they) at or Ada (she/they) at for any questions or support.

Spiritually Curious & Inclined Group

Uriel Leal Flores
Uriel Leal Flores,
Jayna Milan
Jayna Milan,
The Spiritually Curious & Inclined Group is a space for students who are curious, inclined or identify as spiritual to come together, connect, and build community. We recognize that, as humans, we are unique and that our definition of spirituality will also be unique. Whether you find "Spirit" through nature, meditation, creativity, or organized religion - all are welcome! Our intention is to offer opportunities for nonjudgmental expression and exploration of what it means to be human on our complex, beautiful planet.

Students are welcome to join at any time during the academic year.

We meet in person every second Tuesday of the month at 4:15 p.m. in room 3 on the 3rd floor. Please contact Jayna at or Uriel at for more information.

White Anti-Racist Affinity Group

Alex Knecht
Alex Knecht,
Anne Johnson
Anne Johnson,
Welcome to the White Anti-Racist Group - a dedicated space within our counseling psychology program committed to fostering anti-racist values and practices among white-identifying individuals.

Together we recognize the critical role that white allies play in dismantling systems of oppression and promoting racial justice within our field and broader society. Guided by principles of humility, self-reflection, and accountability, our group aims to explore our whiteness, privilege, and the impact of systemic racism on individuals and communities.

Whether you're new to anti-racism work or a seasoned advocate, we invite you to join us in this important journey of growth, learning, and allyship. Together, we can create meaningful change and build a more inclusive and equitable world.

Meetings will rotate to accommodate the schedules of different cohorts and will be held both in person and virtually.

If you are interested in joining this group, [please share your information in this interest form]. We will get in touch with you before our next meeting.